Good people,
I am happy to introduce Vivian
Before then why this introduction?
Few weeks ago, I shared about the idea of launching a youth-centric #magazine with inspiring stories of successes and challenges youths experience globally.
Which is named.
YouthUp Global Magazine.
The vision here is that what #forbes magazine is to the global business space would be same for #youthupglobalmagazine to young people globally.
Kenneth our director of media and communications and myself had a chat with Vivian and she accepted this challenge of leading the crew to start the first publication of this global youth magazine.
Good people, meet our Editor-in-chief
Vivian, she will coordinate with me and other editorial team to bring this vision to reality.
October we will unveil the first publication as we launch the Innovate Africa Project with a Symposium #TheNigeriaWeWant
Whether Vivian is suitable for this role?. Check her profile.
Now it’s time to reach out to Vivian and her crew.
If you or your brand want to appear in our first publication….as a means to demonstrate your brand as youth-friendly…
It’s simple, check the sponsorship packages that allow access to our magazine..
Or write us
Congratulations Vivian